Peter J. Jessen

"Goals Per Action" Success Consultant · · 9931 SW 61st Ave., Portland, OR 97219 · Tel: 503.977.3240 · Fax: 503.977.3239

Job Hunting Boot Camp

Introduction | Agenda Examples | Chart Paths | Elevator Pitch | Networking | Interviewing | The Manual


INTRODUCTION to boot camps for job hunting and job hunting basics

AGENDA examples of book camps we will run for sponsors of Job Hunters/Career Changers

CHART PATHS to job hunting, job changing, and job satisfaction

ELEVATOR PITCH: define the "PRODUCT" being sold: YOU!

NETWORKING: follow the 5-step script for obtaining leads and referrals

INTERVIEWING: follow the 4-step script for employment interviews

JOB HUNTING MANUAL: the how's and why's of career survival



1.         Opening (10:00 AM)
            a.   Orientation/Ground Rules
            b.   Agenda/Schedule

2.         Introductions/Video-Tape (10:05 AM)
            a.   Name and why you came to JCC and what position you are seeking
            b.   Your definition of the product, or, "Tell us about yourself."
            c.   Telephone Lead-Ins

3.         The Job Hunting Process (11:00 AM)
            a.   Target - Contact - Follow-Up
            b.   In Person - By Mail - By Phone
            c.   Hello's - How Are you's - Just Like Me's - What Next's - Thank You's

4.         Job Hunting:  The Role and the Context (11:05 AM)
            a.   The human condition in job hunting
            b.   Role of job hunter:  Odysseus in The Trojan Horse; not that of the job holder:
                  Achilles, with a vulnerable heel
            c.   Constructing & projecting what controls others behavior towards you:
            d.   Roles and rituals in the corporate culture
            e.   Telling your story
            f.    Following your winning marketing strategies

5.         Networking and positioning
a.  Using the old boy/girl networks for fun, profit, and a place at the head of the line) (11:20 AM)
            b.  Lead Flow Sources:  (discussion of experiences to date and role playing)

6.         The 5-Step Referral Interviewed (discussion of experiences to date and role playing) (11:30 AM)
            a.   Experiences
            b.   For Potential Employer
            c.   For Telephone (see below)

7.         Answering Ads - High Efficiency Attack (12:15 PM)
            a.   Box Number Ads
            b.   Company Identified Ads
            c.   Timing

8.         Letter writing (12:25 PM)

            Explorations - Courtesies - Follow-Ups

9.         Lunch (12:30 PM)

10.       Telephone Techniques (discussion of experiences to date and role playing) (1:30 PM)
            a.   Screeners:  getting by and/or around them
            b.   Lead-Ins (covered in 2 above)
            c.   Overcoming road blocks
            d.   Background Sketch:  for the screener, for the potential employer

11.       Time Management - Control (1:50 PM)

12.       Research Techniques, Resources, and Materials (2:00 PM)
            a.   Libraries (locations)
            b.   Directories (general, industries, geographic)
            c.   Indexed Periodicals (WSJ, NYT, Fortune, Forbes, Business Week, Inc., industry and
technical journals, etc.)
            d.   Corporate specifics (annual reports, 10Ks, etc.)
            e.   Other (SIC codes, trade association publications, etc.)

13.       The Four Types of Interviews (each can take place more than once with more than one person:
            (2:15 PM)
            a.   Screener (winnowing the applicants through the various "cuts")
            b.   Nuts and Bolts:  are you qualified?
            c.   Offer Interview (when the actual negotiations take place)
            d.   The lunch or dinner interview

14.       The 4-Step Employment Interview (discussion of experiences to date and role playing) (2:25 PM)
            a.   Pre-Interview:  Strategy, Image, Rehearse
            b.   4-Steps:
                     (1)    Break Ice
                     (2)    Summarize Self
                     (3)    2-Part Questions
                                    (a)        (4 options)
                                    (b)        (4-part lock step)
                     (4)    End Interview - Close
                                    c.         Follow-Up

15.       BREAK (3:55 PM)

16.       Compensation (4:05)
            a.   Salary
            b.   Perks
            c.   Other needs and satisfiers

17.       Negotiations (experience to date and role playing) (4:10 PM)
            a.  Blocking money questions, playing the "hot potato" game
            b.  Obtaining performance incentives
            c.  Stalling for time (don't make on-the-spot decision)
            d.  With the offer in hand, contact other potential employers with whom you have been in
                 contact or interviewed:  negotiating for more
            e.  Objective:  closure, with offer including duties, compensation, and incentives
                 (ask for it in writing)
            f.  Seeking job description change in order to raise the base and/or out-of-cycle salary review.

18.       Next Steps (4:25 PM)
            a.   Interaction with your consultant and cur professional staff.
            b.   Interaction with Self
            c.   Interaction with Others and Networking:  working your Marketing Plan

19.       Urgent Questions? (4:30 PM)
20.       ADJOURN (4:45 PM)